摘自臺灣真實事件,以一場宗教導覽揭示她的情慾異想世界。 Based on an actual event in Taiwan, To reveals the erotic fantasy world of a mysterious woman through a religious tour.
華江閣樓 Huajiang Girls 2018 | 17 min | fiction
她悄悄靠近仰慕的人,並探尋自己在感情軸線上的性向座標。 Teenagers would try to build deeper connections with the person they are into, and also figure out their sexuality at the same time.
今晚我開了第一槍 Come to Tonight 2016 | 18 min | fiction
從未有過性經驗的他,今晚將用一個特別方式慶祝跨年。 The guy never had any experience with sex. But on this night, he finally got a special celebration.
果醬 Jam 2013 | 29 min | fiction
慾望就是打從我們離開娘胎的那一刻,一直在尋找的歸屬感。 Desire is a sense of belonging we begin searching for from the first moment we left our mother's womb.